Morning Star
21 July 2009

Yesterday, 150 delegates representing both public and private-sector workers met in the capital city Tegucigalpa.
Speaker after speaker, most of whom were dressed in jeans and T-shirts, angrily denounced the military regime and demanded the return of elected President Manuel Zelaya.
Mr Zelaya, who continues to be recognised by the international community as its sole legitimate president, was expelled from Honduras three weeks ago by masked soldiers and bundled onto a plane to Costa Rica.
He has declared that he intends to re-enter the country within a week - with or without the agreement of the coup plotters.
Interrupted by applause and cries of "it's now or never," secretary-general of the CUTH federation Israel Salinas announced a mass demonstration in Tegucigalpa on Thursday to coincide with the strike.
The CUTH represents 250,000 workers in both urban and rural areas.
Previous protests against coup leader Roberto Micheletti have been confronted by large numbers of armed soldiers and police.
Mr Salinas told the Morning Star that opposition to the coup is gathering strength. "We have been in the streets for 22 days and our movement is becoming stronger and stronger.
"Our aim is to stop production, trade and transport," he said.
Despite the resistance of the oligarchy, Mr Zelaya's government had doubled the minimum wage and the trade unions predict that unless the coup regime is removed from power, it will attempt to reverse this and other progressive measures.
"Manuel Zelaya is the first president we have had who is with the poor people," said Mr Salinas.
The trade union leader called on the British government to freeze all economic ties to Honduras and to use its influence in the United Nations to further isolate the military dictatorship.
Yesterday, the European Union announced that about ?60 million worth of aid to Honduras would cease with immediate effect. The United States is still providing aid to the regime.